
A blog


birth year: 1989

relationship status: single

interests: blogging, shopping, cats, neopets, carnivorous plants, dancing, makeup, cosplay, romance, fantasy, movies, books

astrology sign: leo

height: 5ft 7in

kittycat mannequin
Sailor Moon
fly trap


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August? September? I don’t even know anymore

What’s going on…

I’m struggling to put this into words. I still think I might be dreaming. A very looong dream. Time just doesn’t make sence, I feel like I’ve been here forever. I feel stiff, my skin feels hard. I just wanna go home! I want to sleep in my own bed, not in the mattress store ☹. I want my mom and my little sibblings, I want to hug them and hold them so tight. I want to see my friends face to face. Will this nightmare ever end? I mean I do get to do whatever I want, whenever I want. Can I help myself to unlimited amounts of ice cream with all the toppings imaginable, at any time? Play at the arcade for hours and hours? Put on the most outrageous outfits and walk around the place like I’m the star of a movie?  But like it’s not fun all the time by yourself. Ya there’s people here, every day less and less though, but it’s like the can’t hear or see me! Ugh, it’s the worst. Ya, sometimes I see that pink witch, and I tell her she’s probably the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, but she just laughs and walks away, and that makes it so much worse (>‘o’)> Maybe I should just start looking for those gloves. I don’t even get it, I didn’t tell anyone. I just… I only wrote it here. But like does anyone even read this? Maybe YOU do! Maybe YOU can help me find the gloves! Here’s the link to the mall. You may be my last hope of ever getting out of here.

August 33, 2021

The what? the witch!

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Ohhh the witch!

August 5, 2001

What’s going on…

Okay, I don’t really even know what to say. It’s just like, this can’t be real. So, I’m still here in the mall… let me tell you what happened. So I leave the internet café, and head to the department store, and like the fortune teller told me, the sales lady just handed me a box with the gloves inside. I thank her, but she doesn’t say anything to me, she just smiles. I try the gloves on quickly before I go find my mom. They feel silky smooth, and the fine glitter sparkles in the display light I take them off and put them in my bag, and rush over to my mom. “Where have you been?! Come on we have to go! I have to make dinner.” I’m coming, I’m coming I say and I follow behind her as she goes through the department store exit. But as I reach the door, everything starts to go dark. My mom disappears, the ground and all the cars disappear. Nothing, everything is just this awful unnatural blue. I yell for my mom. But she’s gone. I’m panicking. This can’t be real. I hear a soft voice behind me say “I guess you do get to stay here forever after all”. It’s the kiosk lady, except her skin has gone bright pink, and she has three damn eyes! Like a demon, a monster! I wanted to scream; I wanted to run but I couldn’t, I’m frozen. I can’t go outside; I can only go back into the mall. “What do you want from me” I demand. “Oh girl, chill. Don’t you want to stay here? There’s everthing you could ever want! Everything at your fingertips. Endless entertainment. All the shoes your little heart could ask for. Besides, I told you not to tell anyone about the gloves. But you just couldn’t help yourself, could you? And so quickly too, I might add. Oh well, I’m nothing if not fair. Maybe you want to go back out there, who am I to judge? Remember those gloves you wanted so badly?” I’m like ya, they’re still in my bag, but I checked and they were gone ⊙_☉. “Ya well, when you broke your promise, they got absorbed back into the mall. If you can find them and bring them back to me, I could maybe let you go”. “Okay, where can I find them?”, I start to ask, but she’s already gone. Okay at this point I’m thinking this isn’t real, I’m obviously dreaming. I just have to find a way to wake myself up. Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP.


August 5, 2001

My wild trip to the mall

Hey cuties! I’m actually still at the mall right now, there’s a little internet café, with a couple old computers, but I’m getting ahead of myself. OK, I guess I’ll start at the beginning. I convinced my mom to take me to the mall to go shopping, and so we came to the Sundew Mall. And let me tell you about this mall, it is AMAZING. It’s so big, it’s almost overwhelming. There are so many bright lights, everything looks like it sparkles! There’s a store at every corner, an arcade, a dancefloor, so much to look at, I don’t think you could ever get bored. I could really just stay here forever!! We don’t come very often, but every time we do, I’m just so blown away. Anyways, we’re shopping around, we bought all the school supplies for me and my siblings, I got this super cute top from the bargain box and a new pair of jeans from Paradiso’s, though my mom made me get these hideous shoes! They’re so clunky, and they look like my grandpa would wear them. Ugh, I hate them. I wanted like a cute pair of strappy sandals or like little tennis shoes, but nooo, my mom said I needed “practical, good walking shoes”. What’s practical about shoes I’ll never wear? After that, we went to the department store, and she let me explore on my own. And that’s where I saw them. The most beautiful pair of long black sparkly gloves. They’re sheer and have rhinestones that go up the sides. Just too pretty. I tried them on and OMG they fit like they were meant for me. They looked wonderful on me, even the saleslady said so 😊 I could just picture wearing the gloves to the winter formal, they would look so good with this black and white dress I made for myself. Can you imagine my crush asking me to dance when I’m wearing the gloves?? I wonder what it would feel like to hold their hand with them on? To hold on to them as we awkwardly sway to the music lol. But anyways, I’m getting carried away UwU back to the scene. I start desperately looking for my mother throughout the department store. I finally find her in the home section, looking at towels, and I begged her to get me these gloves. What do you think she said?? NO! >:( I said would do extra chores and babysit my siblings, anything. It felt like my life, my very happiness depended on these gloves. Still, she said no, money was too tight right now, we can only get things we really needed. I said it wasn’t fair! All my friends have pretty & fancy clothes, that they do let me borrow but I want something beautiful of my own. She told me we don’t always get the things we want, that no was her final answer. Tears started to pool on my eyes, and my throat tightened. And then I just ran. I had to get out of there, I was so upset. I don’t know why I get like that, it’s like I can’t control how I feel. Everything bubbles up to the surface, and pours out of me like the ocean. I make my way towards the central plaza to sit down to collect myself. As I’m sitting there, feel a soft tap on my shoulder. I look up, and there’s this woman standing over me. She had hair so white it almost glowed, wrapped up in a purple scarf with a large pendant shaped like an eye attached to it. She had big bright blue eyes, though I swore they flashed magenta once! She asked me if I was okay. There was something strange about her, but her face was kind. I said I was okay, maybe a bit lost. She told me she was on her way back from the food court to the kiosk she works at, and asked if I would like to come back with her, and would let me use a phone. I thought I might as well, I don’t really know how to find my mom in this giant place. We head to the kiosk, where she sells pre-paid cell phones and does fortune telling (? weird combo but okay). She asks me if I want to see something cute, I said ya obviously, so she pulls a box from behind the counter, and inside are these two baby kittens snuggled up at the bottom. OMG! I died. The absolute cutest little tortoiseshell and a little brown tabby. “So, you seemed pretty upset back there what happened?” she asked. I explained the whole glove ordeal, and how beautiful they were, and how badly I wanted them. This kiosk keeper, looked me up and down and said, “Okay, I can get you those gloves. you’re going to head back to the department store, the lady at the counter will give you the gloves, I have some strings I can pull, they will be yours. But you have to promise me that you won’t tell a soul how you got these gloves, not your mom, not your friends, absolutely no one”. For real?! I promise, I pinky swear I say. “Oh and you come back and visit me soon with a soft pretzel” I have never wanted something so badly in my life. And If I just have to shut up for 2 seconds and bring her a snack, I can definitely do that. “But wait what about my mom?” I ask “Oh she’s still at the department store, arguing with a sales person about the cost of a clearance item, you’ve got lots of time”. Okay weird, how did she know that? I guess she is a fortune teller ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and that does really sounds like my mom. She told me to follow the blue tiles heading down the main thoroughfare. We say our goodbye’s and I thank her like a million times, and I make my way towards the department store. And now we have come full circle. I’m at that internet café, writing this. I just wanted to jot it down quickly while it was fresh in my memory, and the kiosk lady said I had time. Anyways, I’m gonna go now, pick up the gloves and find my mom. I’ll post again tonight or tomorrow, and maybe take a pic with my camera of the gloves to show you! Bye for now, ttyl.


August 4, 2001

Hey cuties, nice to meet ya!

I’m GlamKitten, and this is my first ever blog post! I’m so excited that you’re going on this journey with me :) I want to chat with you about everything beauty, fashion, and fun related. Oh and also cats of course! Let me tell you about myself! I’m starting high school this year and I’m soooo excited. I love shopping and hanging out with my friends. I want to be an actress, or a fashion model or an artist, or like I don’t really know, but I’ve got all the time in the world to figure it out. I would describe my style as a little bit of everthing, but I love everything girly and pink. You can check out my stats above ^_^. Anywaysss, I’m trying to convince my mom to take me to the mall so I can get new clothes for back to school, and I’ll report back here with what I got! ttyl

paris hilton
shopping is my sport